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Social Care & Family Court 
Assessments, Offending Behaviour and Protective Parenting Interventions


We provide assessments and reports for Family Courts and Children and Young People's Social Care departments, specialising in cases where risk and offending behaviours have included online behaviours, or have been technologically assisted. This includes behaviours involving the accessing child sexual abuse material (CSAM), online sexual communication or grooming of minors, online conversation about child abuse, and voyeursim.


Our assessments and reports are informed by specialist assessment tools, including Child Pornography Online Risk Tool (CPORT), Risk of Sexual Violence Risk Protocol (RSVP v2), and AIMS-3 (for younger people)

Fees for our specialist assessments and reports are very competitive. If you need a quote, please email us at or call us for a chat about your needs.

Insight Programme - Protective Parenting Intervention.


Offending Behaviour Interventions.

We provide short programmes of offender behaviour intervention which are individualised but commonly designed around our safer Lives Programme or Transitions Programme (for younger people). These are usually commissioned as a result of recommendations in assessment reports, followed through by Social Care departments or Family Courts. Programmes of intervention can be standalone or combined with a report on the engagement and learning.

Fees for our specialist assessments and reports are very competitive. If you need a quote, please email us at or call us for a chat about your needs.

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