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Other places to find support: Resources

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Statutory & NHS Services

Liaison & Diversion Services

Police stations and courts have NHS funded 'Liaison and Diversion' teams, including to support people who are vulnerable to suicide after coming into contact with the Police for online sexual offences. If your investigating Officer has not instigated contact with an L&D worker, then call them to ask for the contact details.


Senior Doctor

GP Surgery

Ask for an emergency appointment, especially if you are not eating or sleeping properly. You do not have to say you have been arrested, or what for, but the more you tell them the more they will be able to help.

Image by Nicolas J Leclercq

Single Point of Access

For crisis intervention or acute mental health services you should search or ask for your local Single Point of Access. They will advise and intervene quickly if you are in crisis.

Image by Ian Taylor

999 | A&E

If you feel that you are in an emergency situation or crisis then you should present yourself at A&E and ask for psychiatric assessment. If you need an ambulance to get you there then you call 999.

Charities & independent agencies

Stop it Now!

Operated by the Lucy Faithfull Foundation, and supported by Home Office funding, Stop it Now! is a confidential phone and text helpline whose call handlers will help you to keep yourself and others safe. There is a service for Scotland.



Lucy Faithfull Foundation

Funded through government, charitable trusts and user fees, LFF offer group and one-to-one programmes for people who have offended online. Including Inform Plus, Engage Plus and a family forum


Talking Forward

Currenty funded by Safer Lives, TF is a peer support group (in-person in Leeds and by Zoom) for partners, ex-partners and family that aims to help members with their emotional resilience and isolation. for more information.

A charity providing information on the practicalities of having a conviction, including for sexual offences. This includes a forum where people share experiences on issues such as employment, social care, and travel.



Funded through charitable grants, fees and donations STOPSO has a network of private therapists who have been trained to work with illegal behaviours. You should check the individual experience and qualifications of any counsellor allocated. 

Safer Living Foundation

Funded through a variety of sources, and based in Notts, SLF run several services, inclduing the Aurora Project which uses a compassion based approach to addressing people's harmful sexual behaviours.




Practical advice and information for people convicted and sentneced for sexual offences.P



Trained volunteers on hand 24/7 to listen and offer crisis support.


Laurel Centre

Specialist private pornography and sexual addiction service run by Paula Hall. People who are under investigation for sexual offences will only be eligible of their one-to-one therapies. See Resources section for their 60-day Pivotal Recovery programme.


Groups & Resources


Sex Addicts Anonymous and Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous are fellowships run by members that follow the twelve step programme of Alcoholics Anon, Cocaine Anon, Gamblers Anon. Clients report good experiences of these and reduced isolation.


Smart Recovery

Promoting choice in recovery through a network of mutual-aid meetings and online training programmes with online materials and manuals. Uses easy to learn self-empowering skills to help abstain from addictive behaviour and to develop a positive lifestyle.


Pivotal Recovery Programme

60 day prograame to 'reboot' from pornography and illegal online behaviours using podcasts and online or printed exercises. It combines understanding of behaviour with lifestyle improvement exercises, and provides useful evidence of progress.


SiN Self Help Modules


Free online modules from the Lucy Faithfull Foundation to help you understand your offending behaviours.These can be used alongside support from the Stop it Now! helpline




Recommended books to reduce compulsive behaviours.

Your Brain on Porn - by Gary Wilson.


A defining read for people with pornography and online sexual 


The Chimp Paradox - by Prof Steve Peters.


Best seller for general mind and behaviour management. 

Understanding and Treating Sex and Pornography Addiction - by Paula Hall.

Helpful guide to understanding compulsive sexual behaviours. 

Sex Addiction - by Paula Hall.


Helpful guide for partners as well as for the 'addict', to help understanding of compulsive sexual behaviours. 

Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse


Past experiences of abuse does not excuse the perpetration of abusive sexual behaviours in later life, but for some survivors of sexual abuse it is a relevant factor. Whether linked to harmful behaviour or not, it can be helpful to take advice and seek support and therapy for past sexual abuse and exploitation experiences.  The most useful directory of services that we have found is the Male Survivors Partnership ( Please be aware that some some of the listed services will not accept people who are currently under investigation for sexual offences.

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